Photography Consent

The East Lothian Dragons Basketball Club is committed to the safeguarding of its members. In accordance with our Child and Vulnerable Adults Protection Policy and Procedures, where possible we will not permit photographs, film, video or other images of children or vulnerable adults to be taken or used without the consent of the child/vulnerable adult and their parents/guardians or carers.

The East Lothian Dragons Basketball Club will take all reasonable measures to ensure any images are used solely for the purposes for which they are intended. The club would like to use photos and videos in publicity for the club such as the website or Facebook page. If you become aware these images are being used inappropriately you should inform the Club Child Protection Officer immediately.

If you put Yes in the Photography consent box of the sign up form you are indicating that you are happy for the club to proceed as above.

If you wish to change your consent at any time then please contact the club via email at